7 月 1, 2024

opebet体育正网x,opebet体育正网v 登录 搜索 首页 学院概况 学院简介 组织机构 师资队伍 现任领导 党群建设 党建工作 工会工作 教育教学 教学管理 教学技能竞赛 教改项目 实践教学 教学团队 教学督导 实验室建设 专业建设 专业设置 质量工程 专业认证/评估 现代产业学院 课程思政中心 一流专业 科学研究 科研动态 科研成果 科研平台 学术交流 学科建设 硕士点培育 重点学科建设 协同创新平台 学生工作 一站式服务 社会实践 学生活动 第二课堂 奖助学贷 规章制度 科技竞赛 心理服务 招生工作 招生资讯 专业介绍 师资介绍 办学特色 考研就业 就业创业 招生信息 就业信息 就业指导 毕业生信息 资源下载 资源平台 学院首页 > 教育教学 > 教学管理 建筑工程学院开展2023级新生入学专业教育工作 日期:2023-09-15 15:11:24 为帮助2023级新同学尽快适应大学生活,了解所学专业特色及发展前景,9月12日,学院组织2023级土木工程、工程管理、智能建造、建筑学、城乡规划五个专业368名新生分别在8号楼报告厅、8311、8310、8409、8507教室开展入学专业教育工作。各系专业带头人及骨干教师团队进行了深入讲解。土木工程系主任李涛博士介绍了专业的基本情况、课程设置、考研就业等,并寄语同学们要心存希冀,目有繁星,追光而遇,沐光而行。齐平博士介绍了建筑工程、路桥工程、地下工程三个方向的区别与联系;防水材料与工程特色班负责人贾志刚博士介绍了防水特色班人才培养;教师代表赵宽耀博士从求学经历谈起,介绍了大学学习目标和学习方法建议。工程管理系主任王昌盛博士从专业基本情况、专业发展前景、培养方案、毕业要求、课程体系、考研与就业等方面为新生做了详细解读。专业核心骨干教师为新生讲解了实验教学、专业实习、学科竞赛、导师制等内容,学生们就关心的问题与老师进行了深入交流。建筑学系主任苗海强副教授介绍了专业办学历史、环境设施、师资团队等基本情况,并鼓励学生做好学业规划,形成良好的学习习惯。张力、王任、刘小源等教师为学生具体讲解了本专业课程体系和学习方法,结合自身学习工作经历与学生进行了深入的交流,并就学生关心的升学、就业等问题予以解答。城乡规划专业带头人王嘉慧副教授详细解读了城乡规划专业人才培养方案。指出城乡规划专业不仅要求学生们掌握扎实的理论基础,还需兼具人文关怀和创新实践能力。此外,就职业前景、考研与就业等热点问题等进行了深入剖析。智能建造系负责人高国平博士详细介绍了智能建造专业设置的背景、培养目标、课程体系、考研等内容,骨干教师龚彦华就研究方向3D打印向同学们进行了介绍,教工第一党支部书记贺子光对智慧建造行业发展、人才需求、就业前景等进行了讲解。通过入学专业教育,2023级新同学增进了专业认知,树立了专业自信,明确了学习内容,以饱满的学习热情和昂扬的奋斗精神投入到今后学习中。(撰稿:胡乾    责任审核:李勇)  上一篇: 郑州大学周同和教授为学院2023级新生作入学教育专业报告 下一篇: 建筑工程学院邀请企业专家为新生做入学教育专业讲座 快速通道 黄淮学院 教学平台 科研平台 图书馆招生就业 院长信箱 学校校历 学院微博 学院公众号 两学一做 学习强国 地址:河南省驻马店市开源路06号 联系电话:0396-2853579(院办) 邮编:463000 Copyright@黄淮学院建筑工程学院 版权所有 opebet体育正网x,opebet体育正网v

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7 月 1, 2024

ope体育资讯b,ope体育资讯c Skip to main content University of Nevada, Las Vegas Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Donors Audiences Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Donors Topics About Academics Admissions Athletics Campus Life Research Menu University of Nevada, Las Vegas Academics Academics About Academics Admissions Athletics Campus Life Research Find close Academics menu Academics Academics Home close find region Find Search A-Z Index Directories × Important Notice:Major IT service outages April 7-10 –> Quick Links Bookstore Bookstore Calendar Calendar Campus Maps Campus Maps Degrees Degrees Libraries Libraries MyUNLV MyUNLV News Center News Center RebelCard RebelCard Rebelmail Rebelmail Social Media Social Media UNLV Mail UNLV Mail WebCampus WebCampus Loading Directories Home A-Z Index Colleges, Schools, and Departments Administrative Units Research Centers and Institutes Resources and Services Employee Directory Contact UNLV Social Media Directory UNLV Mobile Apps Breadcrumb UNLV Home Academics Home Professional Licensure & Certification Disclosures Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Accounting – Guam (GU)  Back to disclosure listingsMore state disclosures for this degreeStudent Expectations Degree Information Degree Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Accounting Program Name Accounting Concentration/Track None College/School Lee Business School More degree info State Eligibility State/Territory Guam (GU) Program Determination Does Not Meet With Caveat Additional Information Because the state of Guam requires 150 credit hours for licensure, the BSBA in Accounting program alone does not meet the educational requirements for licensure as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Guam. The required additional coursework can be completed at UNLV, and applicants may have the option to sit for the CPA examination while completing their additional coursework. The State Board of Accountancy will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional non-educational requirements such as fingerprinting, additional examinations, and work experience may apply. Students who are interested in working in Guam should contact the State Board before enrolling in this program. Students are encouraged to contact the state licensure board to identify specific elective courses that may be required for certification. Last State Review/Update Jun. 11, 2024 State licensure website Employment UNLV Strong Wellness Community Top Tier 2.0 Campus Notifications University Statements and Compliance Web Privacy Statement Web Accessibility Website Feedback University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89154 Phone: 702-895-3011 Campus Maps Parking Information © 2024 UNLVProduced by UNLV Web & Digital Strategy Social Media at UNLV ope体育资讯b,ope体育资讯c

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7 月 1, 2024

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7 月 1, 2024

opebet科技a,opebet开户网址 Skip to main content University of Nevada, Las Vegas Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Donors Audiences Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Donors Topics About Academics Admissions Athletics Campus Life Research Menu University of Nevada, Las Vegas Veterans Military and Veteran Services Center About Academics Admissions Athletics Campus Life Research Find close Veterans menu Veterans Veterans Home About Us Apply to UNLV Prepare to Deploy Return from Deployment Financial Aid Resources Services & Forms Programs & Initiatives Videos Contact close find region Find Search A-Z Index Directories × Important Notice:Major IT service outages April 7-10 –> Quick Links Bookstore Bookstore Calendar Calendar Campus Maps Campus Maps Degrees Degrees Libraries Libraries MyUNLV MyUNLV News Center News Center RebelCard RebelCard Rebelmail Rebelmail Social Media Social Media UNLV Mail UNLV Mail WebCampus WebCampus Loading Directories Home A-Z Index Colleges, Schools, and Departments Administrative Units Research Centers and Institutes Resources and Services Employee Directory Contact UNLV Social Media Directory UNLV Mobile Apps Breadcrumb UNLV Home Veterans Home Videos Videos Welcome Welcome – Executive Director Ross Overviews the UNLV Military & Veteran Services Center PAVE (Peer-to-Peer Mentoring) PAVE – Student Veteran Jeff Overviews the Peer Advisors for Veteran Education (P.A.V.E.) Program Rebel Vets (SVA Chapter) UNLV Rebel Vets – Student Veteran Bruno Overviews UNLV’s Nationally Recognized Student Veterans of America (SVA) Chapter REBEL Vet Video #1 Rebel Vet Salute 1 – UNLV honoring veteran alumni and their continued service. Rebel Vet Salute 2 Rebel Vet Salute 2 – UNLV honoring veteran alumni and their continued service. Rebel Vet Salute 3 Rebel Vet Salute 3 – UNLV honoring veteran alumni and their continued service. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website. Employment UNLV Strong Wellness Community Top Tier 2.0 Campus Notifications University Statements and Compliance Web Privacy Statement Web Accessibility Website Feedback University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89154 Phone: 702-895-3011 Campus Maps Parking Information © 2024 UNLVProduced by UNLV Web & Digital Strategy Social Media at UNLV opebet科技a,opebet开户网址

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7 月 1, 2024

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7 月 1, 2024

ope官网客户端,ope官网如何 Skip to main content University of Nevada, Las Vegas Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Donors Audiences Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Donors Topics About Academics Admissions Athletics Campus Life Research Menu University of Nevada, Las Vegas News Center News Center About Academics Admissions Athletics Campus Life Research Find close News Center menu News Center News Center Home About Search Browse Browse Archive Browse By Administrative Unit Browse By College/School Publications Accomplishments Class Notes Experts Directory UNLV In The News UNLV Today Announcements UNLV Magazine Submit Share a Story Idea Submit Class Note Submit a UNLV Today Accomplishment or Announcement Become a Speaker/Expert Contact Us close find region Find Search A-Z Index Directories × Important Notice:Major IT service outages April 7-10 –> Quick Links Bookstore Bookstore Calendar Calendar Campus Maps Campus Maps Degrees Degrees Libraries Libraries MyUNLV MyUNLV News Center News Center RebelCard RebelCard Rebelmail Rebelmail Social Media Social Media UNLV Mail UNLV Mail WebCampus WebCampus Loading Directories Home A-Z Index Colleges, Schools, and Departments Administrative Units Research Centers and Institutes Resources and Services Employee Directory Contact UNLV Social Media Directory UNLV Mobile Apps Breadcrumb UNLV Home News Center Home Accomplishments Home Christopher Cain and James Busser Published: Christopher Cain and James Busser Christopher Cain and James Busser (both Hospitality), together with Lisa Cain, ’15 Ph.D. in Hospitality Administration, are authors of “An exploratory assessment of callings: The importance of specialization” published in the International Hospitality Review. The study sought to understand how having a calling influenced engagement, work-life balance and career satisfaction for Professional Golfers Association of America (PGA) and Golf Course Superintendent of America (GCSA) professionals. Submit Accomplishment July 07 2021 Campus Units: William F. Harrah College of Hospitality,  PGA Golf Management Program People in the News National Research Award Brightens Grad's Career Path in Health Physics People | June 20, 2024 National Research Award Brightens Grad's Career Path in Health Physics At UNLV, Haven Searcy gains two degrees and experience analyzing the effects of radiation on the environment. Liberal Arts Student Selected for Prestigious German-American Exchange Fellowship People | June 18, 2024 Liberal Arts Student Selected for Prestigious German-American Exchange Fellowship The program will help Alejandro Rios prepare for career in immigrant and refugee advocacy. Namesakes: The William W. Sullivan Center for Academic Enrichment & Outreach People | June 18, 2024 Namesakes: The William W. Sullivan Center for Academic Enrichment & Outreach CAEO founder helped disadvantaged students progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to post-baccalaureate degree. More People Employment UNLV Strong Wellness Community Top Tier 2.0 Campus Notifications University Statements and Compliance Web Privacy Statement Web Accessibility Website Feedback University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89154 Phone: 702-895-3011 Campus Maps Parking Information © 2024 UNLVProduced by UNLV Web & Digital Strategy Social Media at UNLV ope官网客户端,ope官网如何

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7 月 1, 2024

opebet体育电竞k,opebet体育电竞i 首页 企业概况 企业概况 公司简介> 组织架构> 领导介绍> 发展历程> 发展战略> 核心价值观> 新闻动态 新闻动态 集团新闻> 企业动态> 和谐发展> 媒体视点> 发展期刊> 业务领域 业务领域 电力业务> 能源物流业务> 燃气业务> 新能源业务> 能源金融业务> 社会责任 社会责任 社会责任活动> 社会责任报告> 投资者关系 投资者关系 股票行情> 公司治理> 临时公告> 定期报告> 分红情况> 公平在身边> 投资者交流> 投资者咨询> 招贤纳才 招贤纳才 招聘动态> 人才政策> 招标招租 招标招租 招标> 招租> 信息公开专栏 信息公开专栏 基本信息> 企业经济运行情况> 公开专栏> 建言献策 简 首页 企业概况 公司简介 组织架构 领导介绍 发展历程 发展战略 核心价值观 新闻动态 集团新闻 企业动态 和谐发展 媒体视点 发展期刊 业务领域 电力业务 能源物流业务 燃气业务 新能源业务 能源金融业务 社会责任 社会责任活动 社会责任报告 投资者关系 股票行情 公司治理 临时公告 定期报告 分红情况 公平在身边 投资者交流 投资者咨询 招贤纳才 招聘动态 人才政策 招标招租 招标 招租 信息公开专栏 基本信息 企业经济运行情况 公开专栏 建言献策 首页  >  业务领域 首页 > 文章详细页 –> 集团新闻 企业动态 媒体视点 发展期刊 –> 首页 > 新闻动态 > 和谐发展 广州发展职工参赛作品在广州市职工书画作品展获奖 发布人:系统管理员–>发布时间:2023年03月23日   近日,广州市总工会举办“中国梦·劳动美——喜迎二十大 建功新时代”第十六届“主力军杯”广州市职工书画作品展,全市参赛作品近400件。广州发展工会选送7幅书画作品参赛,广州发展总部林力维《节录冯骥才文》获书法作品铜奖,燃气集团陈穗致水彩画《不负青山》获美术作品优秀奖,获奖作品在广州市工人文化宫展出。    广州发展工会每年开展绘画、书法、剪纸、摄影等比赛,为书画爱好者提供交流平台,以文化艺术的载体、用艺术语言的魅力,培育健康丰富的职工业余文化生活;书画爱好者笔随时代、墨见感情,展现出广州发展干部职工奋发有为、凝心聚力、积极向上的良好精神风貌。    (文 广州发展工会 何毅) 上一篇: 下一篇: 首页 企业概况 公司简介 组织架构 领导介绍 发展历程 发展战略 核心价值观 新闻动态 集团新闻 企业动态 和谐发展 媒体视点 发展期刊 业务领域 电力业务 能源物流业务 燃气业务 新能源业务 能源金融业务 社会责任 社会责任活动 社会责任报告 投资者关系 股票行情 公司治理 临时公告 定期报告 分红情况 公平在身边 投资者交流 投资者咨询 招贤纳才 招聘动态 人才政策 招标招租 招标 招租 信息公开专栏 基本信息 企业经济运行情况 公开专栏 建言献策 成员企业 广州发展电力集团有限公司 广州发展能源物流集团有限公司 广州燃气集团有限公司 广州发展新能源股份有限公司 广州发展集团财务有限公司 广州发展融资租赁有限公司 公众号 视频号 联系我们 法律声明 | 网站地图 | 联系我们 | 友情链接 广州发展集团股份有限公司 版权所有 粤ICP备20001285号 –> opebet体育电竞k,opebet体育电竞i

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7 月 1, 2024

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7 月 1, 2024

ope体育指什么,ope体育智能 Skip to main content University of Nevada, Las Vegas Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Donors Audiences Students Faculty/Staff Alumni Donors Topics About Academics Admissions Athletics Campus Life Research Menu University of Nevada, Las Vegas GPSA Graduate & Professional Student Association About Academics Admissions Athletics Campus Life Research Find close GPSA menu GPSA GPSA Home About Agendas and Minutes Minutes Agendas GPSA Council GPSA Committees GPSA Council Members GPSA Executive Board GPSA Divisions Memoranda and Resolutions Memoranda Resolutions Graduate Student Commons GPSA Public Calendar Contact close find region Find Search A-Z Index Directories × Important Notice:Major IT service outages April 7-10 –> Quick Links Bookstore Bookstore Calendar Calendar Campus Maps Campus Maps Degrees Degrees Libraries Libraries MyUNLV MyUNLV News Center News Center RebelCard RebelCard Rebelmail Rebelmail Social Media Social Media UNLV Mail UNLV Mail WebCampus WebCampus Loading Directories Home A-Z Index Colleges, Schools, and Departments Administrative Units Research Centers and Institutes Resources and Services Employee Directory Contact UNLV Social Media Directory UNLV Mobile Apps Breadcrumb UNLV Home GPSA Home GPSA Council GPSA Council The Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, shall assist graduate and professional students with support for their academic endeavors, advocate on their behalf, and inculcate a sense of camaraderie. Providing an environment conducive to student scholarship and research is the primary goal of the GPSA. The GPSA strives to engender a sense of community among graduate and professional students by furnishing financial support and fellowship. The GPSA Council is composed of 54 seats, filled by department-appointed representatives from each academic unit on campus. Each department representative has one vote. Representatives serve as the voice and advocate of their respective academic departments within the graduate student government. They act as a conduit for communication between the graduate student body within their department and the larger governing body, GPSA. This involves understanding the concerns, suggestions, and needs of their fellow graduate students, and effectively conveying these to the GPSA leadership. Representatives are expected to engage in discussions, debates, and decision-making processes in matters such as policy changes, funding allocations, and academic affairs. Additionally, representatives are often involved in various committees, collaborations, or working groups within the GPSA and campus-wide. Serving as a representative provides opportunities for networking with fellow graduate students, faculty, administrators, and even external stakeholders. In pursuit of inclusivity, the Council also has an unlimited number of non-voting seats for members-at-large, where students may serve as a general representative without being tied to a specific department affiliation. Members-at-Large represent the interests of the entire association’s membership and bring a diverse set of experiences and viewpoints to discussions and decision-making processes. The Council convenes regularly and is advised by the elected Executive Board, the GPSA standing and ad hoc committees,& the GPSA Manager and Advisor, and a UNLV Faculty Advisor or the Graduate College Dean. Over the summer, the Council is abbreviated to a summer sessional of 14 seats with at least one representative from each College or School at UNLV (as opposed to each department). For more information about the GPSA Council and its activities please email [email protected]. To serve as your department representative, complete the Council Representative Registration Form listed below and contact your graduate coordinator, department chair, or program director to confirm your appointment to the position. To find your current department representative or see which seats have vacancies, visit the GPSA Council Members webpage. Council Meetings The Council meets the first Thursday of each month from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm during the fall and spring semesters. If you have been selected to serve as your department’s representative, please submit the GPSA Council Representative Registration Form. If you are interested in serving as a member-at-large, please fill out the same form but select “member-at-large”. Council Registration Form Department representatives are eligible for a $100 GPSA scholarship per semester for their service. They are also required to attend all Council meetings. If you are a department representative and unable to attend a Council meeting, you must appoint a proxy utilizing the Proxy Form prior to the scheduled meeting. Proxy Form Council Agenda and Minutes In accordance with NRS 241.020 (Nevada Open Meeting Law), meeting agendas are posted on-campus and online at least three business days prior to the scheduled meeting date. Agendas and Minutes Council Meetings No meetings found. Please check back soon. Representatives Department Representatives and Members-at-Large GPSA Representatives and Members-at-Large Representative Training Materials Roberts Rules of Order Nevada Open Meeting Law Employment UNLV Strong Wellness Community Top Tier 2.0 Campus Notifications University Statements and Compliance Web Privacy Statement Web Accessibility Website Feedback University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89154 Phone: 702-895-3011 Campus Maps Parking Information © 2024 UNLVProduced by UNLV Web & Digital Strategy Social Media at UNLV ope体育指什么,ope体育智能

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6 月 27, 2024

ope体育解说的微博,ope体育进芳bob88碘com (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,’script’,’//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js’,’ga’); ga(‘create’, ‘UA-60136752-1’, ‘auto’); ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’); –> Skip to Main Content WebCampus MyUNLV Rebelmail Library Accounts HOME RESEARCH, BORROW, REQUEST SPACES & TECHNOLOGY HELP & SUPPORT ABOUT THE LIBRARIES University LibrariesLibGuidesProfilesAlyssa Renteria Alyssa Renteria She/Her/Hers Alyssa Renteria She/Her/Hers Email Me Contact: 4505 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 891547028952178 My Guides Data Management Resources for UNLV View Guide Info Feb 12, 2024 Last update: Feb 12, 2024 420 420 views Data Sources View Guide Info Jun 20, 2024 Last update: Jun 20, 2024 466 466 views Data Visualization View Guide Info Jun 7, 2024 Last update: Jun 7, 2024 1012 1012 views Getting Started with ArcGIS Online View Guide Info Jan 23, 2024 Last update: Jan 23, 2024 85 85 views Getting Started with ArcGIS StoryMaps View Guide Info Aug 14, 2023 Last update: Aug 14, 2023 1944 1944 views Getting Started with Data Cleaning and OpenRefine View Guide Info Aug 14, 2023 Last update: Aug 14, 2023 1949 1949 views Getting Started with Venngage (Infographics) View Guide Info Aug 14, 2023 Last update: Aug 14, 2023 154 154 views GIS View Guide Info Jun 20, 2024 Last update: Jun 20, 2024 3494 3494 views Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) View Guide Info Aug 14, 2023 Last update: Aug 14, 2023 159 159 views Open Data View Guide Info Jun 20, 2023 Last update: Jun 20, 2023 123 123 views My Subject SpecialtiesDataGeoscience Powered by Springshare.All rights reserved.Librarian LoginReport a problem. title × Loading… Close Locations Lied Library Special Collections Architecture Library Medical Library Music Library Teacher Library Law Library 4505 South Maryland Pkwy. Box 457001 Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-7001 702-895-2111 Library Site > More Information Future Library Hours Book ‘n Bean Hours Parking Information Contact Ask Us! –> Text: 702-945-0822 Phone: 702-895-2111 Email Social Media Facebook X YouTube Instagram All Social Media Directories Librarians by Subject Staff Directory Employment Full-Time Student Feedback Questions or Feedback © University of Nevada Las Vegas Login > ope体育解说的微博,ope体育进芳bob88碘com

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